1.Non Specific Esterase(NSE) is seen in which type of leukaemia:
a.) AML 3
b.) AML 0
c.) ALL
d.) All of the above.
Answer ( C ). Ref - Robbins. Explanation: Non specific esterases are produced by cells with leukocytic differentiation. Only AML4 (others as AML3,4,5) has the criteria fulfilled. AML0 has no differentiation, AML 6 is erythrocytic and AML 7 is megakaryocytic but has nearly 40-50% of myeloblasts so it can be NSE posititve.. So the Answer is (C).
2. True about BCG vaccine is:
a) Danish 1331 strain.
b) Diluent is distilled water
c) Spirit is used for cleaning the area.
d) It prevents adult tuberculosis.
Answer A: Ref -Park and Park.Explanation. BCG is a live attenuated vaccine produced by Danish 1331 strain of My.Bovis attenuated by 239 serial subcultures in glycerine-potato medium over 13years. It is included in UIP given at birth,the freeze dried powder is made into a 0.5ml intrademal injection reconstituted with sterile normal saline,over left deltoid in the upper 1/3 after cleaning with distilled water avoiding spirits and antiseptics. It oes not prevent adult TB(secondary TB) due to immunfailure.BCG protects from TB meningitis and military TB only.
3.A child has TGA the mother has to be investigated for:
a) Maternal diabetes
b) PIH
c) Heart diseases
Answer: A.
4. Which of the following retinal diseases is transmitted as Autosomal dominant disorder:
a) Best disease
b) Gyrate atrophy
c) LMB
Answer: (A). Ref Yanoff Best disease (vitelliform macular degeneration) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder (Chr. 11q13), with macular degeneration presenting as “yellow egg yolk” like appearance of macula due to lipofuschin accumilation. ERG shows reduced ‘C’ wave.Gyrate atrophy is ornithine tranferase deficiency.Autosomal recessive inheritance Chr 10q.
5. Which of the anticancer drug causes hyperviscosity syndrome:
a) Vinblastine
b) L-Asparaginase
c) 5-FU
d) Methotraxate.
Answer B. Reference Tripatti. L-Asp is derives from E.coli,it is specifically used in ALL,devoid of normal side effects of anticancer drugs as NO ALOPECIA,NO LECOPENIA,NO MUCOSAL DAMAGE. Remmember L-ASP(Leucopenia,Alopecia,Skin and mucosalloss Prevented). It causes liver damage,hyperviscosity,pancreatitis and CNS symptoms.
6. Chemotherapeutic agent producing SIADH is:
a) Vincristine
b) 5-FU
c) Cyclophosphamide
d) Bleomycin
e) Gemcitabin
Answer: A&C . Ref Harrison. Explanation- SIADH producing drugs are : Vasopressin,oxytocin,Chlorpropamide,Vincristine,cyclophosphamide,Carbamezapine,Phenothiazine,MAO inhibitors,SSRI’s,TCA’s,Nicotine.
7.Leprosy affects all exept:
a) Uterus
b) Ovary
c) Testes
d) Eyes
e) Nerves
Answer A&B. Ref Harrison. Explanation.
8. Which of the following is least useful in multiple myeloma:
a) X-ray
b) Urine protein
c) Bone scan
d) Bone marrow biopsy
Answer C. Bone scan as there is no new bone formation so ALP is also normal.
9. Cat eyes syndrome is seen in:
a) Partial Trisomy 21
b) Partial Trisomy 22
c) Partial Trisomy 13
d) Partial Trisomy 5
Answer A. Reference Nelson. Partial trisomy 21 causes Cat eye syndrome while Total trisomy 21 causes down’s syndrome. Cat eye syndrome is associated with total anomalous venous return.
10. Finding in chronic DIC include all except:
a) Increaded fibrinogen,antithrombin III and thrombin antithrombin complexes.
b) Increased FDP and antithrombin III and decreased PT.
c) Increased FDP,PT and thrombin antithrombin complexes.
d) Increased FDP,PT and Platelets.
Answer B. Reference Harrison. Explanation
Findings in chronic DIC (thrombosis as DVT and SVT predominates) are:
Modestly increased Prothrombin time(PT).
Shortened or lengthened partial thromboplastin time(PTT)
Normal thrombin time mostly.
High,normal or low fibrinogen.
High,normal or low Platelets.
Increased FDP.
Increased markers of DIC as thrombin antithrombin complexes,Prothtrombin fragment F1+F2 and activation marker on platelets.
Note in acute DIC PT,APTT is prolonged and Fibrinogen,Platelets are decreased and FDP is increased and peripheral smear shows schistocytes.
11. Which of the following is not true of Vibrio O139:
a) Produce disease indistinguishable from O1
b) Polysacharride capsule
c) Isolated from chennai
d) Replaced El tor as 8th epidemic in 1992.
Answer: C.Ref Harisson. Explanatio it is isolated from Bengal in 1992.
12. Not true of vibrio cholerae:
a) Non halophilic
b) Grows in ordinary culture
c) Survives well outside body
Answer C.
13. A patient is in septicaemic shock which vasopressor is useful:
a) Epinephrine
b) Norepinephrine
c) Phenylephrine
d) Ephedrine
Answer : B
a.) AML 3
b.) AML 0
c.) ALL
d.) All of the above.
Answer ( C ). Ref - Robbins. Explanation: Non specific esterases are produced by cells with leukocytic differentiation. Only AML4 (others as AML3,4,5) has the criteria fulfilled. AML0 has no differentiation, AML 6 is erythrocytic and AML 7 is megakaryocytic but has nearly 40-50% of myeloblasts so it can be NSE posititve.. So the Answer is (C).
2. True about BCG vaccine is:
a) Danish 1331 strain.
b) Diluent is distilled water
c) Spirit is used for cleaning the area.
d) It prevents adult tuberculosis.
Answer A: Ref -Park and Park.Explanation. BCG is a live attenuated vaccine produced by Danish 1331 strain of My.Bovis attenuated by 239 serial subcultures in glycerine-potato medium over 13years. It is included in UIP given at birth,the freeze dried powder is made into a 0.5ml intrademal injection reconstituted with sterile normal saline,over left deltoid in the upper 1/3 after cleaning with distilled water avoiding spirits and antiseptics. It oes not prevent adult TB(secondary TB) due to immunfailure.BCG protects from TB meningitis and military TB only.
3.A child has TGA the mother has to be investigated for:
a) Maternal diabetes
b) PIH
c) Heart diseases
Answer: A.
4. Which of the following retinal diseases is transmitted as Autosomal dominant disorder:
a) Best disease
b) Gyrate atrophy
c) LMB
Answer: (A). Ref Yanoff Best disease (vitelliform macular degeneration) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder (Chr. 11q13), with macular degeneration presenting as “yellow egg yolk” like appearance of macula due to lipofuschin accumilation. ERG shows reduced ‘C’ wave.Gyrate atrophy is ornithine tranferase deficiency.Autosomal recessive inheritance Chr 10q.
5. Which of the anticancer drug causes hyperviscosity syndrome:
a) Vinblastine
b) L-Asparaginase
c) 5-FU
d) Methotraxate.
Answer B. Reference Tripatti. L-Asp is derives from E.coli,it is specifically used in ALL,devoid of normal side effects of anticancer drugs as NO ALOPECIA,NO LECOPENIA,NO MUCOSAL DAMAGE. Remmember L-ASP(Leucopenia,Alopecia,Skin and mucosalloss Prevented). It causes liver damage,hyperviscosity,pancreatitis and CNS symptoms.
6. Chemotherapeutic agent producing SIADH is:
a) Vincristine
b) 5-FU
c) Cyclophosphamide
d) Bleomycin
e) Gemcitabin
Answer: A&C . Ref Harrison. Explanation- SIADH producing drugs are : Vasopressin,oxytocin,Chlorpropamide,Vincristine,cyclophosphamide,Carbamezapine,Phenothiazine,MAO inhibitors,SSRI’s,TCA’s,Nicotine.
7.Leprosy affects all exept:
a) Uterus
b) Ovary
c) Testes
d) Eyes
e) Nerves
Answer A&B. Ref Harrison. Explanation.
8. Which of the following is least useful in multiple myeloma:
a) X-ray
b) Urine protein
c) Bone scan
d) Bone marrow biopsy
Answer C. Bone scan as there is no new bone formation so ALP is also normal.
9. Cat eyes syndrome is seen in:
a) Partial Trisomy 21
b) Partial Trisomy 22
c) Partial Trisomy 13
d) Partial Trisomy 5
Answer A. Reference Nelson. Partial trisomy 21 causes Cat eye syndrome while Total trisomy 21 causes down’s syndrome. Cat eye syndrome is associated with total anomalous venous return.
10. Finding in chronic DIC include all except:
a) Increaded fibrinogen,antithrombin III and thrombin antithrombin complexes.
b) Increased FDP and antithrombin III and decreased PT.
c) Increased FDP,PT and thrombin antithrombin complexes.
d) Increased FDP,PT and Platelets.
Answer B. Reference Harrison. Explanation
Findings in chronic DIC (thrombosis as DVT and SVT predominates) are:
Modestly increased Prothrombin time(PT).
Shortened or lengthened partial thromboplastin time(PTT)
Normal thrombin time mostly.
High,normal or low fibrinogen.
High,normal or low Platelets.
Increased FDP.
Increased markers of DIC as thrombin antithrombin complexes,Prothtrombin fragment F1+F2 and activation marker on platelets.
Note in acute DIC PT,APTT is prolonged and Fibrinogen,Platelets are decreased and FDP is increased and peripheral smear shows schistocytes.
11. Which of the following is not true of Vibrio O139:
a) Produce disease indistinguishable from O1
b) Polysacharride capsule
c) Isolated from chennai
d) Replaced El tor as 8th epidemic in 1992.
Answer: C.Ref Harisson. Explanatio it is isolated from Bengal in 1992.
12. Not true of vibrio cholerae:
a) Non halophilic
b) Grows in ordinary culture
c) Survives well outside body
Answer C.
13. A patient is in septicaemic shock which vasopressor is useful:
a) Epinephrine
b) Norepinephrine
c) Phenylephrine
d) Ephedrine
Answer : B
![]() |
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