Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hepatology: Portal hypertension

1. Portal vein is about:
a) 1cm
b) 5cm
c) 10cm
d) 15cm

2. Portal hypertension is diagnosed when pressure is:
a) >10cm of water
b) >12 mm of Hg
c) >30mm of Hg
d) >30 cm of water
e) Both A and C
f) Both B and D

3. Tributaries of left portal vein are all except:
a) Paraumblical vein
b) Ligamentum venosum
c) Ligamentum teres
d) Cystic vein

4. Grade III varix in OGD means that:
a) Varices are easily compressible
b) Varices are not compressible
c) Confluent varices at lower GE junction

5. Which of the following statements is wrong:
a) Azygous vein forms caval and left and short gastric veins form portal components of esophageal PS shunts
b) Superior rectal vein forms caval and and middle and inferior rectal veins form portal components of PS shunts in rectum
c) Paraumblical veinn drains in to the left branch of portal vein directly.

6. USG wise the following are suggestive of PHTN except:
a) Splenomegaly
b) Collaterals
c) Ascites
d) Portal vein of diameter 1cm

7. Cardiac cirrhosis is charecterised by all except:
a) Raised JVP
b) Hepatomegaly
c) Non pulsatile liver with TR
d) Numerous collaterals in USG
e) Ascites

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hepatology: Liver function tests

1. SGOT/SGPT in an alcoholic patient is >2 because:
a) SGOT is excessively released in alcoholic hepatitis
b) SGPT is poorly synthesized due to pyridoxine deficiency
c) Alcohol induced change in enzyme synthesis
d) Observation is an artifact due to interference of alcohol with SGPT estimation

2. GGT/ALP ratio diagnostic of alcohol induced liver injury:
a) 1
b) 1.5
c) 2
d) 2.5
e) 3
f) 3.5

3. GGT is synthesized from all except:
a) Liver
b) Pancreas
c) Kidney
d) Heart
e) Biliary tract
f) Lungs
g) Spleen

4. An alcoholic after binge drinking is referred to you with his PT>16s and S.Bilirubin>5mg/dl, and Albumin>3 gm/dl, your comment as a hepatologist is that:
a) Discrimination index is 60, his prognosis is good.
b) Discrimination index is 70,his prognosis is good
c) Discrimination index is 60,prognosis is bad
d) Discrimination index is 70,prognosis is bad

5. All the following are synthesized in liver except:
a) Prothrombin
b) Alpha 1 antitrypsin
c) Anti hemophilic factor
d) Gamma globulins

6. All the following helps to determine the biliary origin of ALP except:
a) GGT
b) Amino peptidase
c) 5’- Nucleotidase
d) LDH-1
e) Bilirubin

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